If you are still needing a Hotspot please contact the school.
over 3 years ago, Brock Harris
Today is the LAST day to turn in orders for Tiger Pride shirts! Please have order forms and payment turned in at the office before 3:00pm. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Megan Broy
Bass fishing signups have begun! If you are interested in participating email Miranda Wissinger at mwissinger@tvilleschools.org. Signups will end Wednesday, August 26. Please include your name and phone number in the email. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Miranda Wissinger
Reminder: All spectators at baseball games/practices, softball games/practices and cross country meets are REQUIRED to wear face masks. Masks may be taken off to eat and drink or when able to maintain a safe social distance.
over 3 years ago, Miranda Wissinger
Cross Country Schedule
over 3 years ago, Miranda Wissinger
iPhone tip: Have your student (or you, the parent) go to settings, passwords & accounts then add account and then add the school email account. This will sync Google Classroom (if the app is installed) with the calendar on their phone and give them access to the teacher email directory from their email.
over 3 years ago, Jamie Chiaventone
Parents here is a tip. If your child has a phone have them install the Google Classroom app and turn on notifications. This will notify them of due dates, new posts, new assignments, and late or missing assignments.
over 3 years ago, Jamie Chiaventone
Parents: We know that remote learning can be a challenge. We are here to help! Please contact your child’s teacher if you need assistance. Thompsonville teachers are available through Google Classroom, via email, on the phone, or in person (make appointment with teacher) every school day between 8:00-3:00. Also, the videos your teachers are posting have valuable information that may also help you. Be sure to watch those! We have had many students and parents reach out already. We appreciate the opportunity to help you make this a success. Don’t hesitate to contact us for help.
over 3 years ago, Jamie Chiaventone
Grade School Yearbooks are in!!! You can pick up your orders in the office between 8 and 3. We received a few more than ordered and those will be sold for 11 dollars each on a first come first serve basis.
over 3 years ago, Brock Harris
Dual Credit Students--Books are here! You may pick up today prior to 3:00 or tomorrow between 8:00-3:00. Books are in Miss Chiaventone's office.
over 3 years ago, Jamie Chiaventone
Just a reminder... Tiger Pride shirt orders are due next Monday, August 24, 2020. Please turn form and payment in at the office. Student shirts are $7 and Adult shirts are $8. 🐯
over 3 years ago, Megan Broy
Just wanted to make all students and parents/guardians aware that our wifi is open now and you are more than welcome to come up and sit by the school and use it until we can get you a hotspot. Thanks,
over 3 years ago, Brock Harris
Parents/Guardians who have not yet received their hotspots, teachers will be contacting you today or tomorrow to give you any information that you may be missing. The Hotspots are supposed to ship on the 21st of the month. If they have not contacted you by tomorrow afternoon, please email them or give them a call. You can find their email on our school app or website.
over 3 years ago, Brock Harris
Dual Credit students--if you need your RLC login credentials, please email me and I will send them to you! jchiaventone@tvilleschools.org
over 3 years ago, Jamie Chiaventone
We will start meal delivery on Monday August 17th for those that indicated they needed them on our survey. Deliveries will be on Monday & Wednesday with food for the whole week. They will start delivering at 10:45 and should be done by 11:45. Please watch for the drivers ed van or activity bus to pull up and honk so you can come out and pick up your meals. If you won't be home please call 627-2511 to let us know. If we attempt to deliver 2 times without a response we won't come by again until we hear from you.
over 3 years ago, Kelly Darnell
Hot Spots are on back order. We are being told they will be shipped the 21st. If you have requested a hot spot and have not received one your students teacher will be contacted you next week by phone. Sorry for the inconvenience.
over 3 years ago, Brock Harris
Hot Spots will be able to be checked out on Monday the 17th from 8 to 3. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we still have not received all of our shipment. We have not received a shipping notification at this point.
over 3 years ago, Brock Harris
JH Softball Schedule
over 3 years ago, Miranda Wissinger
JH Baseball Schedule
over 3 years ago, Miranda Wissinger
We have only received a small number of our Hot Spots that we have ordered. We are hoping to get the rest of the shipment today. We will be passing these out tomorrow the 13th from 8 to 11 and 12 to 6. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Thank You
over 3 years ago, Brock Harris